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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/01/2013
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen                             
Monday, 1 July 2013
Regular Meeting

The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 7:30 PM 1 July 2013 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.  

1. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting 17 June 2013
Selectman Sibley moved to approve the minutes of Regular Meeting 17 June 2013.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Selectwoman Nosal moved to relocate agenda item (5. New Business d.) to this point in the agenda.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

New Business
d. Social Services Coordinator Valerie Goncalves
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder introduced Valerie Goncalves who is the new Social Services Coordinator as of 1 July.  Ms. Goncalves has 6 years of Social Service experience and is looking forward to serving the people of Old Lyme.  

2.  Communications - NONE

3.  Appointments
George Hunt – (R) ZBA Alternate – 3-year term ending November 2013
Selectman Sibley moved to appoint George Hunt to the ZBA as an Alternate for a 3-year term ending November 2013.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Selectwoman Nosal moved to add to the agenda the appointment of Evan Anway to the Inland Wetlands Commission as an Alternate.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Selectwoman Nosal moved to appoint Evan Anway to the Inland Wetlands Commission as an Alternate through January 2014.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  Selectwoman Nosal amended her motion by adding “for a 3-year term ending January 2014” and Selectman Sibley seconded the amendment to the motion.  SO VOTED.

4.  Old Business
a. Rogers Lake Dam Update
Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that preparations for the construction have started and the actual construction will begin very soon.  The project manager did state that it is likely that the lake will be lowered after 30 July.  Letters will be sent to lake residents, the Town of Lyme, Rogers Lake West Shores Association, the Rogers Lake Authority and the Fire Department letting them know when the lake will be lowered.  

b. Route 156 Bike Path / Sound View Improvements
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that interviews of engineering / consulting firms were done last week.  All six applicants were interviewed by the selection team using DOT standards for this process.  The next step is to check references and this should be done very soon.  80% of the cost of this project will be funded through a State DOT Grant with a total estimated cost being around $700,000.  

c. Senior Center – Approval of Updated By-Laws
The Selectmen reviewed the Updated Senior Center By-Laws.  Selectwoman Nosal moved to accept the By-Laws with the punctuation correction suggested by Selectman Sibley.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

d. 30 Lyme Street – Request for Fencing on Town Property
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reviewed a request from Anthony Kornacki on 30 Lyme Street.  He would like to put a fence on his property, but to keep in line with the fencing on Lyme Street he would need to put the fence on Town property.  Mr. Kornacki did place markers where the property line is and where the fence will go per the request of the Selectmen.   It was decided that the Selectmen will communicate with Mr. Kornacki again and ask the Town Attorney to articulate her concerns and make sure that Mr. Kornacki understands the requirements of the Historic District.   

5. New Business
a. Bayberry Motel
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that a couple of weeks ago someone came into Town Hall to report that a couple of new electric meters had been installed on the side of the Bayberry Motel.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder brought this to the attention of the Town’s Zoning, Health, and Building Departments and to the Town Fire Marshall.  She was told that just the day before someone had come to the Town Hall to apply for a permit but the permit had not been issued.  Our Building Official went to the property and told the owners that there was no permit issued and to stop the work.  A couple of days later he discovered that the work was still ongoing so he put a stop work on the electrical.  The Town Sanitarian performed an inspection and at the same time the Zoning Enforcement Official has been researching past building permits.  Through inspection it was found that the electrician working at the Motel had an illegal tap into the electric wires which presented a very dangerous situation.  CL&P was called and de-energized it immediately.  On Friday First Selectwoman Reemsnyder met with the Departments of Health, Building, Zoning and the Fire Marshall to review the situation.  There was a discussion about what actions will be taken with special attention to the illegal tap into the electric, if there has been a change of use and work being done without permits.

b. Resolution for Clean Water Fund
Selectwoman Nosal moved to authorize a resolution that states:  Be it resolved that it is in the best interests of the Town of Old Lyme to enter into contracts with the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.  In furtherance of this resolution, Bonnie A. Reemsnyder, the First Selectwoman, is duly authorized to enter into and sign said contracts on behalf of the Town of Old Lyme.  The First Selectwoman is further authorized to provide such additional information and execute such other documents as may be required by the state or federal government in connection with said contracts and to execute any amendments, rescissions, and revisions thereto. Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

c. Resolution for Police and Youth Grant
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that Old Lyme has won a Grant from the State in the amount of $10,000. This is the third year in a row that the Town has been awarded this Grant.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated how proud she is of the Police that are actively involved in the Youth Program, with special thanks to Officer Marty Lane for his hard work in putting the Grant together.  In order to sign the Grant, the Selectmen need to approve a resolution.  Selectman Sibley moved to make a resolution authorizing First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder to sign on behalf of the Police and Youth Grant that has been applied for and granted in the amount of $10,000.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.   The Selectmen also thanked the LYSB for their work and assistance in making this happen.

d. Social Services Coordinator Valerie Goncalves
This agenda item was moved in the agenda.

e. OLS Seaweed Removal Fees
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that Old Lyme Shores (OLS) has requested that the Town consider adjusting fees that were charged for removal of seaweed.  OLS hired a private contractor to remove a very large amount of seaweed from their beach at a cost of around $14,000.  The seaweed was taken to the Transfer Station and the cost to the Town was $90 per ton and there were 137 tons, making the cost over $12,000.  OLS, which is a private beach association, is asking the Town to help pay for this expense.   There was a discussion and the Selectmen feel that because OLS is a private association, the Town cannot help cover the cost.  

f. Stones Ranch – JLUS Study
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder explained what a JLUS Study is.  The military has a process called Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) and a couple of years ago the Department of Defense recommended that this study be done at Stones Ranch.  This study is 100% funded by the Federal Government and the Office of Economic Adjustment.  Because Stones Ranch is located in the towns of Old Lyme, Lyme and East Lyme, the three towns would apply together.  At the end of the study recommendations will be made to the towns as to steps that could be taken to make for a better neighbor relationship.  She stated that people living near Stones Ranch do hear sounds coming from Stones Ranch and assured the public that no live ammunition is used there.  The application to be approved for the grant will go in this week.  There will be public meeting held during the process.

6. Public Comment
Wendy Zito spoke to the Selectmen.  Ms. Zito lives on Shore Road directly across from the Bayberry Motel.  She feels that when the 13 electric meters were installed, when there are only 11 units at the motel, the new owner’s clear intent was to make the use of the building something other than a motel.  She asked if the new owner had applied for a motel permit.  She stated that motel permits are not transferable, so he would have had to reapply when he took over the motel. Ms. Zito also believes that the Town knew nothing of the septic until she brought it to their attention, meaning that the owner did not get a permit. One of her concerns is that people are living at the motel for more much than 2 weeks.  There are children living at the motel going to our public schools.  Residents use her property as a dog park and their garbage blows all over neighboring properties.  Ms. Zito has called the police many times as to things that she has seen going on.  She has seen residents leave packages in the bushes on the side of the road that are later picked up by people in cars.  This is clearly an issue that needs to be taken care of and she would like the Town to do something about it.

Stacy Winchell spoke to the Selectmen.  Ms. Winchell lives on Shore Road, right next to the Bayberry Motel.  She has contacted the Town many times to complain about the garbage from the motel that makes its way onto her property.  She wondered why a motel would have individual meters if it was truly a motel.  She has never been to a motel or hotel where she was charged for electricity or cable.  She believes that the motel is apartments, just as it was with the previous owner.  Children who are living at the motel stand on her property to catch the school bus.  Residents of the motel bring their dogs to her property to do their business and the motel property is a blight in this community.  Ms. Winchell has also seen motel residents put packages in the bushes for pick-up later.  Ms. Winchell heard that the previous owner enlarged the basement and his family lived there to make more rooms available to rent.  

Roger Zito spoke to the Selectmen.  Roger’s wife is Wendy Zito.  Mr. Zito said that the new owner blocked the driveway so people could not see what was going on when he was having work done.  Mr. Zito knows that this owner has a bad track record with other towns and his intent is to create something other than a motel.  Mr. Zito asked the new owner why there are 13 meters and the man would not answer him.  

Kristen St. Germain spoke to the Selectmen.  She represents the residents of Riverdale Landing Association which is across the street from the Bayberry Motel.  She agreed with all that was said and added that the police have been a huge part of neighborhood patrols and they are very aware of the activity that goes on at the motel.  This does not make a safe environment for the children in the area and the 11 families of Riverdale Landing have had enough and are against the Town allowing long-term housing on this property.

First Selectwoman Reemsnyder thanked the residents who did come out and say that there was activity going on at the motel.  The very day that the Town found out that something was going on there, they responded.  The Town will do whatever they can to get this under control.

7. Other Business
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that there will be a public information meeting on 17 July in the Town Hall regarding improvements that the State will be doing on I-95 between the Baldwin Bridge and Exit 72.  More detail will be given at the next Board of Selectmen’s Meeting.  

First Selectwoman Reemsnyder complimented Stephanie Lyon, Senior Center Coordinator, for doing a great job in her new position.   Recently Ms. Lyon put a questionnaire on the Town website which people are asked to fill out in order to gather information as to how the Senior Center can be more vibrant.  When someone fills out the questionnaire they are entered in a drawing for a $50 gift certificate to the Hideaway Restaurant.   This was a donation from the Hideaway.

Selectwoman Nosal reported on an email from Woodard and Curran about securing funding for Hazard Mitigation Projects.  There is grant money available in Connecticut and Massachusetts for applicants who wish to plan for and conduct projects to mitigate impact from natural hazards.  

The next Board of Selectmen's Meeting is scheduled for 15 July at 7:30 PM.

8. Executive Session

9. Adjournment
Selectman Sibley moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 PM.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ellen Garbarino
Recording Secretary